June 2011 (vol. 1, no. 2)
The Journal of the Civil War Era
Volume 1, Number 2
June 2011
A. Kristen Foster
“We Are Men!”: Frederick Douglass and the Fault Lines of Gendered Citizenship
Kathryn S. Meier
“No Place for the Sick”: Nature’s War on Civil War Soldier’s Mental and Physical Health in the 1862 Peninsula and Shenandoah Valley Campaigns
Brandi C. Brimmer
“Her Claim for Pension Is Lawful and Just”: Representing Black Union Widows in Late-Nineteenth Century North Carolina
Review Essay
Frank Towers
Partisans, New History, and Modernization: The Historiography of the Civil War’s Causes, 1861–2011
Book Reviews
Books Received
Professional Notes
Daniel E. Sutherland
The Seven O’Clock Lecture
Notes on Contributors
Now Available as a Kindle