June 2016 (vol. 6, no. 2)
Volume 6, Number 2
June 2016
Tom Watson Brown Book Award
Shauna Devine
“To Make Something Out of the Dying in this War”: The Civil War and the Rise of American Medical Science
Ian Delahanty
The Transatlantic Roots of Irish American Anti-Abolitionism, 1843-1859
Skye Montgomery
Reannealing of the Heart Ties: the Rhetoric of Anglo-American Kinship and the Politics of Reconciliation in the Princes of Wales’s 1860 Tour
Sarah Handley-Cousins
“Wrestling at the Gates of Death”: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and Nonvisible Disability in the Post-Civil War North
Review Essay
Robert E. Bonner
The Salt Water Civil War: Thalassalogical Approaches, Ocean-Centered Opportunities
Book Reviews
Books Received
Notes on Contributors