September 2011 (vol. 1, no. 3)

September 2011 (vol. 1, no. 3)

The Journal of the Civil War Era

Volume 1, Number 3
September 2011



Jon Grinspan

“Sorrowfully Amusing”: The Popular Comedy of the Civil War

Joan E. Cashin

Trophies of War: Material Culture in the Civil War Era

Anne E. Marshall

The 1906 Uncle Tom’s CabinLaw and the Politics of Race and Memory in Early-Twentieth-Century Kentucky

Review Essay

Wayne Wei-Siang Hsieh

Total War and the American Civil War Reconsidered:The End of an Outdated “Master Narrative”

Book Reviews

Books Received

Professional Notes

Barbara Franco

Planned Commemorations: Unexpected Consequences

Notes on Contributors

Now Available as a Kindle ebook

Also Available at Project Muse