March 2014 (vol. 4, no. 1)

March 2014 (vol. 4, no. 1)

Volume 4, Number 1
March 2014



Nicholas Marshall

The Great Exaggeration: Death and the Civil War

* See a version of this article at the New York Times‘ Disunion blog

Sarah Bischoff Paulus

America’s Long Eulogy for Compromise: Henry Clay and American Politics, 1854-58

Ted Maris-Wolf

“Of Blood and Treasure”: Recaptive Africans and the Politics of Slave Trade Suppression

Review Essay

W. Caleb McDaniel

The Bonds and Boundaries of Antislavery

Book Reviews

Books Received

Professional Notes

Craig A. Warren

Lincoln’s Body: The President in Popular Films of the Sesquicentennial

Notes on Contributors