Submit to the Journal

Submit to the Journal


Manuscript submissions should be double spaced and between 10,000 and 11,000 words, including notes. The Journal of the Civil War Era prefers submissions written according to The Chicago Manual of Style. For style particular to the University of North Carolina Press, please see STET: A Handbook for Authors. Electronic submissions are encouraged via email attachment. The manuscript should contain nothing that identifies the author. Please include an attachment that serves as a cover letter with contact information. The journal receives manuscripts through the website Submittable.

For more information about the journal, visit our About page. Also, see our editors’ June 2020 Zoom session with scholars of the Civil War era where they discuss the journal’s mission and offer advice on how to submit a compelling article to the journal.

Books for Review

Publicists and publishers are encouraged to send new titles in nineteenth-century American history for review. We will consider books in the fields of women and gender, African American, Native American, southern, transnational, and environmental history. We are assigning books for review on topics such as law, political economy, and capitalism; slavery, emancipation, and reform movements; borderlands, expansionism, and race; immigration and Atlantic history, as well as the Civil War and Reconstruction.

We are, of course, especially interested in works that add to the understanding of the sectional crisis, the Civil War, and the struggle for freedom that changed the face of the nation during this seminal period.

Please send all books to:

Dr. Megan Bever
Book Review editor, Journal of the Civil War Era
MSSU – Social Sciences
3950 E. Newman Rd.
Joplin, MO 64801

For more information contact Megan Bever, Book Review Editor, at